Thursday, March 17, 2011

Replacement Girls

 (ladies make some noise if you wanna be my replacement)

so I've finally confirmed my decision to attend the best school ever. (yay!yay!yay!)
but now i feel like an outcast already. (boo!boo!boo!)
     Now the most awesomest school isn't exactly known for its community and i kind of like that. Its not like UM or USC where the biggest thing is football and sports (aka like highschool). Infact the biggest thing at my school is acting. very artsy-fartsy. which i love (because I am artsy; and given the situation or proper bean burrito i can be fartsy) ; but people who are used to being outcasts and that are admittedly wierd do not usually make for good open-arms communities. I should know. I am apart of my local artsy-fartsies and although i am inviting most of my counter parts are not. Unless you are artsy you are not likely to be welcome. and since i couldnt apply for the acting school at the awesomest school ever{ :( } I am technically no longer apartsies of the artsies. So when i get to said school i'm joining every performing arts club available to me. and i also hope  that some of the shows will be open auditions (which I highly doubt there will be). but this is a only a little of what this post touches on.

     Roomies. What an uncomfortable situation. Not only does awesome school allow you to pick your own roomate (which is awesome if you have say a friend or acquaintance, but sucks if you're all alone *raises hand really high*) so my classes' facebook page is a free for all.
      "anybody need a roomate?"       "Looking for a roomate!"      "Hey we need another dude to complete our suite!"      "Any jewish girls need a roomate?"
     Oh yeah. they were kind of race specific. "Jewish? Asian? Jewish Asian?" those seem to be the most popular races. i even put up an ad of my own:

"Me: 18 BlkF, awesome
You: 18 F, also yet not as awesome as me (or we can be equal; your choice)

Let's be roomates in H***** :) hopefully, i mean. lol"
even though there were plenty of other adverts asking the same thing (in a much less funny and creative way) they had gotten at least 3 responses. all i got was a like. someone who likes my style but may not be interested in what i'm selling. (which is in a wierd way, me.) nobody my be interested in me. which makes me unhappy. and thats where i'm at. trying to charm people i don't know into a room with me. this must be what prostitutes feel like. hmmm. maybes if i added cookies to said room......

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