Saturday, March 12, 2011

Make Up Your Mind

 (this is clarity)

So i went to the ostrich festival yesterday with some of my friends and a new one that i had met before but never really had a talk with and we talked. while at said festival there were the customary hecklers for the carnival games and we began talking about jobs where its your job to be annoying to others.and then i brought up the walmart greeters. and (unless you live in a really big city) they say "Hello! Welcome to Walmart!" and they give you a smiley face sticker :) but we ended up talking about when we were little they were enthusiastic and they didn't even ask if you wanted a sticker but now in 2011 they only say hi if you look at them and you have to ask for a sticker. and it made me think. so i told michael (cause that's my friend's name)
      " know you being 20 and me being 18 were considered to be young by todays' standards but its weird to think how much has changed since we were little."
And really a lot has changed in the world since 1993. Its just mind blowing to think about it.
      Here i am on the precipice of my senior year of highschool and i don't believe it. i'm about to move on the other side of the country too, which kind of scares me. only because when no one's there to watch how i live my life; who am i? for my whole life i've been contained in this box. "NO Kylah, you can't hang out with these people...NO Kylah, you CAN'T wear that.....etc." I've had no control of who was in my life or who was out of it or where i went or when i slept or ate and now my life is about to be an empty space. and i'm really deciding if i can handle that. I guess i'll be deciding for the next 6 years of my life if i can. without anybody but God's help.

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